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T.R.S. Industries introduces Lock Down and Rolbot Electric tarp systems

10 Sep 2023

imageT.R.S. is proud to introduce the Rolbot and Lock Down Electric Roll Tarp Systems. The Rolbot system is designed with a flexible back arm for end dump, live bottom, and any trailer with a back door. It features a hinge joint with 3-point adjustment for various load conditions, manual override in case of electric failure, and an arm that sits lower then the end caps so there will be no auger interference. The system comes with remote box that is waterproof and a large button key fob. The arms come pre-assembled with a tractor wiring kit and an easy one-piece mounting bracket.

T.R.S. manufactures many of the parts for Roll Tarp Systems and stocks a wide selection of replacement tarps, lumber tarps, and steel tarps.

T.R.S. Industries • (800) 246-1749 • www.trsindustries.com


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