Safe, effective traps by Flies Be Gone
Flies are dangerous. In addition to being filth carriers, flies aid in the transmission of over 65 harmful human diseases. Unfortunately, pesticides used in fly control are often more dangerous than the insects themselves. Pesticide resistance in flies is not uncommon. Renewed interest in finding better and safer methods of pest control has brought this product to fruition.
Flies Be Gone, with its proprietary non-toxic bait, safe around people and animals, catches thousands of flies over large outdoor area and lasts for up to four weeks. Simple to use, it requires no maintenance and is safer and far more economical than using chemicals. Protects barbeque, barn, dumpster, loading docks, entrances, or any area where flies are a problem. Flies Be Gone attracts flies on the outside of home or facility, before they become a problem inside. Flies Be Gone provides effective control in high infestation areas.
Combined Distributors • (800) 435-2960 •