2025 Media Kit now available!

Business Opportunity

10 Sep 2023

We are looking for a company to manufacture and market our product. Our take would be 5% per unit sold. You handle the marketing and manufacturing. We supply the blue print and demo. We hold the patents to the product. THE COLLINS RAKE - ONE-PASS RAKE & BALE (RAKE MOUNTED OUT FRONT)

imageLets you rake and bale in one pass. Rake attaches to a tractor's front-end loader.

With rising fuel prices, Willard Collins, New Albany, IN, wanted to help farmers lower costs.

That's why he created the "Rake & Roll". It lets you rake and bale round bales simultaneously. "You use half the fuel, half the tractor time, and half the operator time - all of which saves farmers money!"

Collins says, "it takes about 15 minutes to attach the rake to the tractor's front end".

Contact: The Collins Rake, LLC - 2241 State St., 357, New Albany, IN 47150

THE COLLINS RAKE, LLC // 812.945.8801 // 502.445.3125


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