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Bio-Safe One reverses clogged drain fields and failing septic systems

10 Sep 2023

imageMost septic system owners mistakenly rely only on pump-outs to maintain their septic system, which tends to give them a false sense of security, or they rely on ineffective products that only break up sewage but fail to eliminate it. When you use Bio-Safe One products to remove accumulated waste from your soil and pipes, you maintain/restore the health of your septic drainage system. With this product you can spend far less than with pumping and replacement, all while getting permanent results.

Bio-Safe One products are backed by over 67 years of research and development. The same team of scientists who helped clean the Exxon Valdez oil spill developed the patented Bio-Safe formula. 

Bio-Safe One, Inc. • (866) 424-6663 • www.biosafeone.com


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